Reforestation projects in Germany
Local. Transparent. Sustainable.
Arboretum Solutions supports companies in offsetting their unavoidable CO2 emissions locally. We are committed to professional and sustainable reforestation and afforestation of forests in Germany, with the aim of long-term sequestration of harmful CO2 and preservation of forest biodiversity. Together with Germany's leading tree nursery, we identify and afforest areas within Germany. The afforested areas are maintained by us in the long term and thus bind CO2 for generations.
We offer companies and organisations the opportunity to participate in these projects and thus create their own company forests.
Please feel free to contact us!
Protection of the
global climate
Preservation of
fertile soil
for animals
Prevention of environmental disasters
Improvement of
air and water quality
Regeneration of the cultivated forest
Planting forests to save the climate
The preservation and sustainable management of forests are crucial to mitigate ongoing global warming. The photosynthesis carried out by trees not only allows them to sequester CO2 in the long term, but also makes valuable contributions through additional functions such as facilitating biodiversity, improving air and water quality and preserving fertile soils. The Nature Conservancy's study suggests that up to 37% of the climate change mitigation needed by 2030 can be achieved simply by improving the carbon sequestration capacity of forests, farms and fields through afforestation programmes.
Acting now is crucial. That is why Arboretum Solutions specializes in the reforestation and afforestation of non-forested and forested land.
Sie möchten uns unterstützen ?
Ihre Spende hilft uns dabei, Schüler:innen zu ermöglichen, an einer Aufforstung im Wald teilzunehmen und einen Tiny Forest auf ihrem Schulhof zu pflanzen. Dadurch bekommen sie ein ganzheitlicheres ökologisches Verständnis für den Wald und erfahren Selbstwirksamkeit durch eine von ihnen realisierte Umweltschutzmaßnahme.
IBAN: DE90 4306 0967 1310 4950 00